The Stability 627 Lumbar Brace provides low back support and compression by utilizing a bilateral tightening system. This pulley system allows for personalized support and a dynamic one size fits all design. The adjustable diameter is approximately 25-60 inches.
Integrated anterior support panels provide additional trunk support. These firm panels disperse pressure and promote natural conformity to each patient's body type.
L0627 - Lumbar Orthosis, Sagittal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Panels, Posterior Extends From L-1 To Below L-5 Vertebra, Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On The Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Includes Fitting And Adjustment.